About Us
Andrews Electrical Ltd was formed in 1984 after two work colleagues who served their electrical apprenticeships together decided to form their own company.
Since then Andrew Dayman and Andrew Ferneyhough the founders and Directors of Andrews Electrical Ltd have developed a reputation for quality workmanship and pride themselves on building long term customer relationships. This is reflected in the amount of repeat business we receive from existing clients, as well as in the new business projects we undertake for new customers that have come directly from recommendations via existing clients.
Andrews Electrical has always believed that investing in our own staff for the long term is the best policy. Offering electrical apprenticeships to the right young candidates is something which until recently had fallen out of fashion with UK business & government policy. We believe that providing daily hands on experience in the workplace to our young apprentices is the best way to develop future multi-talented electrical technicians which in turn benefits our clients.
Our directors and senior staff are committed to offering our clients sensible experienced advice and are actively involved in projects from conception to delivery thus ensuring our clients always have direct communication with the key decision makers. Making sure your project is delivered on time and on budget!